[Commpsych] DSM5

Lauren Breen Lauren.Breen at curtin.edu.au
Wed Jul 18 10:51:25 WST 2012

Here is the Australian Psychological Society's submission concerning the revisions to DSM5 http://www.psychology.org.au/Assets/Files/APS-DSM-5-submission.pdf

In my reading of the document, the APS seems to be quite positive - e.g., the APS "sees the DSM-5 revision as implementing several improvements in the conceptualisation and definition of psychiatric disorders" - which contrasts with the at times scathing criticisms levelled by many other professional organisations at the DSM5 revisions.

I'm concerned about comments such as "The APS has no problem about the Paraphilic Coercive Disorder..." - well I am concerned. Doesn't this label potentially legitimate rape as a mental illness? Same for Pedophilia Disorder. I'm also concerned about the reduced thresholds for diagnosis, the reification of mental disorder, the medicalization of difference, the concern about pharmaceutical kickbacks etc etc.


Kind regards,

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