[Commpsych] 11th Trans-Tasman Community Psychology Conference

lisabeth finn lizziefinn at iprimus.com.au
Sun Jul 19 13:47:37 WST 2009

Hi everyone, 


I'd like to add my thanks to Trudy's  for the efforts of the organizers. I
found the conference stimulating and interesting and it really made me think
about the research I am about to embark on.


I wanted at the final plenary (but didn't get chance) to say that I believe
it is important to keep community psychology formally on the curriculum and
other agendas as I fear that if it becomes an interest group only it would
slowly sink away, overwhelmed by neo-liberal interests. This would be
particularly important for students - having access to a community
psych/community health action research agenda' on the curriculum. This  at
least gives them the OPPORTUNITY to learn different and more critical ways
of thinking - even if they are not critical enough at least there is
something there. When the formal aspect goes I believe this opportunity is
also likely to go and would respond to the welcome input from David Fryer in
this vein - important to have something rather than nothing, even if it is a
flawed something it can hopefully develop.


One possible title for a group which could bring multidisciplinary
input/action/contribution could be  'community health action research
network ' for example as an overall title which could bring
multidisciplinary input and help the community psych paradigm to flourish
and over time hopefully become more aware, become more critical, become more
action oriented.


In terms of the workload which I know weighs heavily on the good people who
do volunteer to organize - I have an increasingly full on work agenda but if
it was possible to cut down tasks to much smaller manageable ones - then I
would consider helping when I can - and put this out as something for other
people to consider, this could be a good way to go to prevent burnout.


Best regards

Lizzie Finn







From: commpsych-bounces at lists.curtin.edu.au
[mailto:commpsych-bounces at lists.curtin.edu.au] On Behalf Of Trudy Rosenwald
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 1:01 PM
To: commpsych at lists.curtin.edu.au
Subject: [Commpsych] 11th Trans-Tasman Community Psychology Conference


19 July 09


I attended the 3-day 11th Trans-Tasman Community Psychology Conference in
Perth, WA last week and would like to congratulate the organising committee
on a job well done and express my appreciation for their efforts and hard


I enjoyed the varied content of the conference and the multidisciplinary
background and different locations of the speakers . I considered all
presentations very relevant to community psychology and wanted to hear them
all. From those I did manage to attend I felt reaffirmed about how essential
the community psychology paradigm is to practitioners, researchers and
policy and law makers alike.  


I also liked the catering, the social programme, the convenient venue with
affordable parking nearby and, last but not least, meeting other likeminded


Despite the lingering questions at the conference closure about the form the
continuation of community psychology should and is taking,  the conference
themes of "Exploring Boundaries, Expanding Frontiers" that came through
throughout the three days will stay with me.  


Kind regards,


Trudy Rosenwald
Registered Psychologist 
Medicare Provider 2817791X
Child Advocate
Adoption Consultant and Counsellor
Licensee Adoption Contact and Mediation
Founding Member Asia Pacific International Adoption Forum (APIAF)
PhD Candidate Edith Cowan University 
ph 08 9572 1326
mobile 0419 941 670
email trosenwald at iinet.net.au
PO Box 200 Mt. Helena 6082
Western Australia 


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