[Commpsych] Super Friday 25/9 and other Powerful Community Psychology Happenings

Heather Gridley Heather.Gridley at vu.edu.au
Mon Sep 21 23:58:54 AWST 2020

Dear Commpsych Listers and fellow travellers,

1.       Please mark this Friday, September 25 as a big day on your calendar and book in now to these powerful Community Psychology events:

a)      Indigenous Knowledge, Decolonisation & Radical Imagination - Friday 25 September, 9am AEST

(8.30 SA, 7.00am WA, 11am Aotearoa NZ, some time Thursday in the Americas, wee small hours in Europe/Africa/Asia... or catch it online later)

Professors Pat Dudgeon (Australia), Linda Waimarie Nikora (New Zealand) and Nuria Ciofalo (Hawaii)

An unmissable free panel discussion with three amazing women

The webinar is being offered in conjunction with the International Conference of Community Psychology 2020<https://communitypsychologyaustralia.com.au/> coming online November 11-13

More information and registration can be found here: https://vuevents.eventsair.com/iccp-webinar/registration/Site/Register<http://be.psychology.org.au/ls/click?upn=xftCvoRZRbcW1HUP8zfNND3Y0CnYHOSE-2BSflEYN6VJpU7vNBbYHetn3kiLhhe0VvCw5tFuGiaL-2F-2BctlL4gReUi2RSO8hZ3KGhAmgB9dbEak-3Dg6Ax_LkNaGjuMCrzJijP9uh5w51wVkQcRLq1ZICyrjgtqsTvwpGNAqsbKXW3sYqqE52woTxw-2FyEg8TlbUHjF2BIlXnFKpVbROXFzpOfuCrQEHMQkhB6DCUOemR-2BiAwyeAW2aSAeeQjHaraTnm5-2Fez6Cy2-2FAqFlv9Osy8tGkA1CJHEnWpC8rpo1SRPPdqrGzyDe4DjKHSmhcnan46o03-2FZt9S8q8UE8-2FDT-2B8CoOqNkxUTAqn8-3D>

b)     You call this a crisis? How can psychologists help children and young people manage the anxiety of climate change - Friday 25 September, 12 Noon AEST

(11.30 SA, 10.00am WA, 2pm Aotearoa NZ, some time Thursday evening in the Americas... or catch it online later, if you register beforehand)

Lunchtime session with the brilliant Prof Ann Sanson and Dr Susie Burke on how we can help children and young people address the fear associated with climate change by taking action

Behind the COVID-19 pandemic looms another existential threat that carries a much broader range of severe impacts, including long-lasting mental health impacts on children and young people.

Please join Ann and Susie as they share their expertise on the psychological impacts of climate change in a 1-hour lunchtime session. Find out how we can act to combat the worst impacts of climate change and at the same time prevent serious mental health impacts among children and young people. (Spoiler alert - the two are interrelated).These two engaging presenters will present evidence from around the world about how young people are responding to the climate crisis, and suggest practical strategies that can be implemented immediately and lead to powerful short-term and long-term benefits.

The material in this session will be useful for psychologists, educators, parents and grandparents who work with children, young people, families or who work in prevention or other disaster-related topics.

And yes, Friday is the next School Strike for Climate<https://www.schoolstrike4climate.com/> day - the kids are already streets ahead.

Book here: https://www.psychology.org.au/Event/21769<http://be.psychology.org.au/ls/click?upn=BfUsH8m5eyuUoH4xTSie3P7soyBY6orVUrBcLUVWLILqgOKz0VctEmfDYx7dH-2Bo72QFXjcVKjtDfcyNApRj23oueSzrHRiBPtzKKqhmHifqJgOlXl601SEjjz7LILs-2Bilfk2TojzL3KhNo91CddMqpA5JDcSE6IWHR-2F6arbbyoVePfPFs0WubuwfBjPO2MxBj-2Bb9f3vbhEBvDktDz5qxTD1yLHt0nuh79yxIWRoraZN4j1iboqQ-2FQnmoFh-2B-2F7BwxWmPBiTMqIjwG1j63PajBN8Lo4aCmXGHBcQ9xwC-2B761QPUQ9I3F4iw5eROGLsW8pYmUpxbccv9Woi2Dv6YENmKq-2BqXhILbAPbZ4aYfRbfXSeCCFviBgJmRuJUNRMZihNT8bqG46kIUGBw4rnSqDhO49iHD9EMwvSSXPJKTx5UUXCoOH4kkhpGgmGqdPIInUqujM3jUwmysQVyX9hkQEIiZPgjQwiq6JFCQfvVMxym2jNuQqJr4PnpKNId9LcJgAoba-2FNY-2BKPXVLuv0eTZ7OizrGhTgvGEE8XBP3RpyUqlWuJxbtmpB1FzUzy9RWvy5DRob-yY_n4R7xivSDloclENy00Heps8TN-2FzBAZeM72L35yDs7n61sd3j7mEmDvE-2Bu-2F36-2FkKFHi1ZrelEozAxBtoRH946EFt-2BiNUdl3lep0efBrLsxeTSP1K3gicjmc1WFx5d9haONTc-2BVoPR-2FjGpvY-2FmZQyrDQSw6J3u5lbFC-2Fd3iNMTh8hhV6buVuDuo-2F6J84ijT0KGfUsnEYj1HSBZXPP8wrO6K858oSFE3E-2FY6j9O5tMr2OY-3D> and pass the word to others who may be interested.

APS Community Psychology College Members/Students and Concessions $10, Other APS members $20 and Non-members $30.

2.  Applications for the next wave of Masters of Applied Psychology (Community Psychology) at Vic Uni in Melbourne close on September 29.

Please pass this on to others who might want to join our growing group of specialist psychologists, or who just want to become a psychologist without losing their heart and soul.

More info can be found on the attached flier and this link: https://www.vu.edu.au/courses/master-of-applied-psychology-community-psychology-amac<http://be.psychology.org.au/ls/click?upn=xftCvoRZRbcW1HUP8zfNNOqcQhzh3v6mNENEjroUgTb5nYP8e6fgR6ddsM7W1vQt1fxDQi3P7Y5-2FgwNPO9kI5ZvMoFhHhljb7UwYdEtRb0Kqtbzbq7-2F5Jc1gJCgekeY7vDSG_LkNaGjuMCrzJijP9uh5w51wVkQcRLq1ZICyrjgtqsTvwpGNAqsbKXW3sYqqE52woTxw-2FyEg8TlbUHjF2BIlXnOjRFNPaYJ1DVDgyOv21qelaKsT3mMZdJ5Qrese5Ar8duEHbG6NB-2FjZKpK5lAyLAgxVQf86DrLwfBxfb2aB-2FVCM08Cld9Y-2BGRxzD7Tw6glk279usAcDTKEcscbgMsi2vhp6S8yvdn-2F05O9UMXSWhleE-3D>

3.  Community Psychology and the Arts

Pencil in the night of November 5 for this topic. More details will arrive soon.

Stay safe.

Best regards,

Heather and the Commpsych crew

Heather Gridley OAM FAPS

Honorary Fellow

College of Health and Biomedicine

Victoria University

Melbourne, Australia

E: heather.gridley at vu.edu.au<mailto:heather.gridley at vu.edu.au>

Ph: +61 419113731
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