[Commpsych] Fwd: Invitation - UN World Peace Day: Building Domestic and Public Peace// Domain Parklands: History and Future

Serdar M. Degirmencioglu s_degirmencioglu at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 10 18:35:38 WST 2015


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|  Invitation: Building a more peaceful city / and Domain Parklands – history and future     The City of Melbourne invites you to three compelling conversations: securing greater domestic and public peace in Melbourne as part of United Nations International Day of Peace , and two discussions about the rich history and future shaping of our wonderful Domain Parklands - one of our city's 'green lungs'.   |
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|  UN World Peace Day: building a safer and more peaceful city      Most of us enjoy our liveable city, yet we continue to grapple with unacceptable domestic and street violence.  What can everyday Melburnians do about this? What’s going right and what isn’t and why? Hear from the panel, celebrate UN World Peace Day and discuss the issues around securing greater peace in the home and the street. Panellists: Prof Megan Davis – Director UNSW Indigenous Law Centre, Chair United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
 Ms Laura John – 2014 UN Australian Youth Ambassador
 Dr Dina McMillan – Social Psychologist and Consultant
 Acting Assistant Commissioner Glenn Weir – Victorian Police
 HOST Michael Short  – Journalist and Editor of The Zone Fairfax Media Supported by Australians for Peace and Future Leaders  |

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|   Image: Dove in flight. Photographer: vjpaul, Flickr creative commons. Monday 21 September 2015
 6pm to 7.15pm (entry from 5.30pm) 
 Swanston Hall – Melbourne Town Hall, Swanston Street, Melbourne
 Free entry, bookings essential.
 Register online at: UN Peace Day, email or call (03) 9658 7239 during business hours  |  |

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|  Domain Parklands*: history and future – two conversations    Our city is reshaping and demands on the Domain Parklands and its assets are growing and changing. As the City of Melbourne is about to review its Domain Parklands Master Plan it’s time to celebrate the rich history, look to the future and hear what you have to say. *Domain Parklands includes Alexandra and Queen Victoria Gardens, Kings Domain- the area surrounding the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sidney Myer Music Bowl, The Shrine and Government House.    |
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|  Domain Parklands history: heritage, horticulture and society      Join our panel of experts as they take you from the earliest days through to recent times and discuss aspects of history, horticulture, plantings and garden design.  Learn how the landscape was civilised and discover the nature of evolving civil and civic functions.   Historian Professor Andrew May from the University of Melbourne will lead the panel to unpack the past. Keep in touch for information on panellists. Supported by Future Leaders    |

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|   Imaqe: Melbourne from the Domain
 Henry Burn 1871, State Library of Victoria Tuesday 29 September 2015
 6pm to 7.30pm (entry from 5.30pm)
 Deakin Edge – Federation Square, cnr. Swanston and Flinders streets, Melbourne
 Free entry, bookings essential.
 Register online at: History, Heritage and Horticulture , email or call (03) 9658 7239 during business hours  |  |

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|  Domain Parklands future: continuity, demand and change      How do we bring all that is wonderful about Domain Parklands into the future and manage the tension between vulnerable assets and extra demands, urban growth, community expectations and the impacts of climate change? Panellists will consider an Indigenous perspective of caring for country; the value of the place to our health and wellbeing; the impact of growth and how to manage increased usage. Come along and have your say and hear how to participate in the review of the City of  Melbourne Domain Parklands Master Plan. Keep in touch for information on panellists. Supported by Future Leaders    |

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|   Image: Aerial View 2015, City of Melbourne Wednesday 7 October 2015
 6pm to 7.30pm (entry from 5.30pm) 
 Supper Room – Melbourne Town Hall, Swanston Street, Melbourne
 Free entry, bookings essential.
 Register online at: Continuity, demand and change, email or call (03) 9658 7239 during business hours  |  |

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| Melbourne Conversations is a City of Melbourne initiative that uses the forum of free public discussions and debate on popular themes to speak with Melbourne's various communities.
| 03 9658 9658 | melbourne.conversations at melbourne.vic.gov.au | melbourne conversations |


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 This is a City of Melbourne publication. © City of Melbourne | melbourne.vic.gov.au | 
 90-120 Swanston Street, Melbourne | 9658 9658 | privacy policy |  |  |
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