[Commpsych] 11th Trans-Tasman Community Psychology Conference, sustainability and upcoming dinner in Melbourne

Harriet Radermacher harrietrad at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 23 17:04:48 WST 2009

Hi all,
As someone who didn't make it to the conference, it was great to read some of the comments/reflections about it via this list - so thanks for those who posted.
It seems that the sustainability of the college, and how to avoid the impending extinction of community psychologists, is a hot topic.
This post is actually a reminder about dinner/drinks with Paul Duckett next week in Melbourne (DETAILS BELOW, please RSVP).
However, it also made me think about the important role of such occasions in supporting our ongoing interactions and discussions which is so fundamental to our cp existence.
I hope to see some of you there next week.
WHAT: The APS College of Community Psychologists (Vic section) invite you to attend an informal discussion and dinner/drinks with Paul Duckett, a visiting community psychologist from the UK.

WHEN: 7pm, Thursday 30 July

WHERE: Trotters, 400 Lygon St, Carlton, Victoria

WHO: Community college members, friends, partners and any other interested parties are all welcome to us

WHY: It's a great opportunity for a catch up and to hear about the latest community psychology news from the UK

Please RSVP to Harriet Radermacher - harrietrad at hotmail.com or 0421 441 427.

Dr Paul Duckett is a community psychologist who works in the
fields of disability, mental health and unemployment. Paul is presently working
at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), in the Department of Psychology and
Social Change, where he teaches community psychology and critical

Paul will be our special guest for the evening, and will talk about
some political and organisational issues
the CPUK network are facing and invite some discussion on how CP networks are
organising themselves both in Australia and UK. 

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