[Commpsych] FW: defining what makes community psychology special

Heather Gridley Heather.Gridley at vu.edu.au
Tue Mar 18 15:48:56 WST 2008

From: Helen Sowey 
Sent: Tuesday, 18 March 2008 1:29 PM
To: commpsych at lists.curtin.edu.au
Subject: defining what makes community psychology special


Dear all,


Greetings from Sydney... where heads turn westwards towards Melbourne and Perth, where community psychology is booming.... or so it used to seem.  


I have just been reflecting upon the news of the closure of the WA community psychology course, and more generally about the challenges the College of Community Psychology currently appears to be facing (the December issue of Links described these in some detail).


I am psychologist working in community-based health promotion, while doing my masters in public health.  I feel a strong affinity for community psychology, and it saddens me to see it struggle.  I do feel it has something unique to offer.... but I have been grappling with the task of articulating exactly what this "something" is.  I would like to be able to define not only what unique contributions community psychologists can make in relation to other psychologists, but also what unique contributions community psychologists can make in relation to other community workers.


I feel that if we could articulate what makes community psychology special, then we could definitely strengthen the case for preserving it!  


While I have not maintained strong links with the APS, I have become more involved in the Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA).  As those in the health promotion field are now placing more and more emphasis on the social determinants of health, communities are coming more and more into the spotlight.   Perhaps AHPA might be able to assist in resourcing community psychology in some way?


Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,


With kind regards,




Helen Sowey

Senior Project Officer

Drug and Alcohol Multicultural Education Centre (DAMEC)

tel (02) 9699 3552

mob 0431 701 225



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