[Commpsych] Write 'sorry' on your footpath

Heather Gridley Heather.Gridley at vu.edu.au
Wed Feb 13 11:16:46 WST 2008

Something simple we can all do - sent to me by one our growing band of Indigenous psychologists.

Subject: Write 'sorry' on your footpath.

Hi All,
Finally....the time has been booked for the Australian Government to say "sorry" to the Stolen Generation. I know the Government is representative of all Australians when this apology is made on Wednesday at the opening of Parliament, but I think we all individually need to take this another step further.
Like "Eternity" was written on our footpaths I am suggesting that for Wednesday "sorry" be written on footpaths - everywhere. So buy yourself some chalk and on Wednesday morning when you walk out your door to go to wherever you go - take that short time to make an apology to the traditional owners of Australian that make up the Stolen Generation.
Don't just send this to five or 10 people - send it to every Australian you have in your address book and ask them to do the same.


Janene Collins


Our office is on the traditional lands of the Wangal. 


Heather Gridley 
School of Psychology 
Footscray Park Campus 
Victoria University 
PO Box 14428 
VIC 8001 
TEL +61 3 9919 5224 
FAX +61 3 9919 4324 
MOBILE: 0419 113 731 
Email: heather.gridley at vu.edu.au

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