[Commpsych] "the Oz CP brand"

David Fryer d.m.fryer at stir.ac.uk
Mon Mar 12 18:42:04 WST 2007

Perhaps it was a throwaway or tongue in cheek comment but the suggestion
that "It is important to get the Oz CP brand out there", stimulates lots
of interesting critical questions. Everyone will no doubt think of
different ones but here are some which occur to me:

	What is imported ideologically, from where, with what
implications for whom by referring to an Oz or any other 'brand' of
community psychology?
	Is it really an attraction of an international conference for
some that it is an international market place for selling their brand of
*	Which are the biggest selling 'national brands' (the 'Coca Cola'
and 'Pepsi Cola') of CP?
	How are these 'brand leaders' of CP marketed?
	What are the implications for the 'local brands' of CP (the 'Irn
	Who are the international jet setting members of the Boards of
Directors of the leading brands of CP, how did they get there and why
are they often men?  
	Who are the stays at home producers and 'consumers' of the
'brand', why do they stay there and why are they often women? 
	Is there just one "Oz CP brand"?  Is the Victoria 'brand' the
same as the Notre Dame 'brand' by virtue of both being geographically
based in Australia? Is there a Head Office?
	What makes something an 'Oz brand' of CP? If one learns
community psychology in the USA but teaches it in Australia, does that
make it an Oz or a US brand?

Most interestingly, as community psychologists, how should we position
ourselves with regard to exhortations to 'grow the business',
'incentivise knowledge transfer activities', 'develop . . markets for
our intellectual assets' and embrace 'corporate marketing' as a "drivers
of growth"? (all phrases taken from a  policy document recently adopted
by my own University)? Shouldn't we be alert to, and resist, such
governmentality in case it leads us to come to regard, present and
police our own community psychology theory and practice in terms of
discourses ideologically incompatible with community psychology? 


From: commpsych-bounces at lists.curtin.edu.au on behalf of Adrian Fisher
Sent: Sun 11/03/2007 23:48
To: commpsych at lists.curtin.edu.au
Subject: [Commpsych] Lisbon 2008

Dear list members

Just a quick reminder of Lisbon 2008, the Second International Community
Psychology Conference, a long way off but save your pennies. The website
is under construction, but some basic information is available at

I note the great work that Grace Pretty has done as College Chair to
negotiate with APS to be allowed to be sponsors of the conference. It is
important to get the Oz CP brand out there.

Grace and I are on the Organising Committee and Chris Sonn is on the
Scientific Committee.


Adrian Fisher PhD

Associate Professor

School of Psychology

Victoria University -- Footscray Park

PO Box 14428

Melbourne VIC 8001



PH: +613-9919-5221

Fax: +613-9919-4324


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