[Commpsych] Fw: Psychologists for Peace Student Research Project Award - application deadline Sunday 5 December

Heather Gridley Heather.Gridley at vu.edu.au
Thu Nov 25 17:30:57 AWST 2021

This is a heads-up to any 4th year or postgraduate coursework psychology students whose thesis research involves a peace-related topic - this award<https://psychology.org.au/about-us/what-we-do/awards-and-scholarships/ig/psychologists-for-peace-interest-group/psychologists-for-peace-project-award> can assist in the rollout of your project or in the dissemination of your findings. The scope of the award is very broad, so if you think your research might contribute to a less conflictual, more harmonious world in some way, or if you are supervising a student undertaking such a project, or just know someone whose project sounds like it might meet the award criteria, why not give it a go? There must be a community psych thesis out there that fits the bill 🙂


Heather Gridley

E: heather.gridley at vu.edu.au<mailto:heather.gridley at vu.edu.au>

Ph: +61 419113731

From: Diane Bretherton <dibretherton01 at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 17 November 2021 12:28 PM
To: Heather Gridley <Heather.Gridley at vu.edu.au>
Subject: Peace Project Award

EXTERNAL EMAIL: Please be cautious before clicking on any links or downloading attachments.

Dear Heather,

Psychologists for Peace Interest Group (PFP) Peace Project Award: Applications are due December 5.

The award encourages a wider interest in research and practice related to peaceful means of resolving conflict, understanding and preventing aggressive behaviour and the fostering of harmonious relationships at global, inter-group and interpersonal levels.

The award is made annually to assist a student enrolled in an accredited fourth year psychology program or Masters by coursework psychology program in carrying out an empirical project on a peace related topic or disseminating its findings.

For further details see the APS website <https://psychology.org.au/about-us/what-we-do/awards-and-scholarships/ig/psychologists-for-peace-interest-group/psychologists-for-peace-project-award> or contact Alex.

Email: alex at mymind.net.au<mailto:alex at mymind.net.au>

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