[Commpsych] Fri 23 Feb (Melbourne) - Creating Islands of Safety: Working with trauma with Rina Taub

Heather Gridley Heather.Gridley at vu.edu.au
Tue Jan 23 17:19:41 AWST 2018

I've just registered for this one-day workshop being hosted by the College of Counselling Psychologists in Melbourne - I think narrative approaches to therapy come closest to critical and community psychology (and feminist) values, and can take account of sociopolitical realities shaping and constraining people's lives.

Creating Islands of Safety and Reclaiming Lives: Working with people who have experienced trauma

Presenter: Ms Rina Taub, MAPS, MCCOUNP

Friday 23rd February 2018, 9:30am - 4:30pm (Registration at 9am)

Traumatic experiences and abuses of power can result in hopelessness and unworthiness in people and also in the workers who are witnessing these stories. Narrative Therapy, and the applications of Michael White's maps of practice invite people to reclaim a sense of personal agency. These practices respectfully balance acknowledging and creating firm footing with which people and groups can speak about aspects of their trauma history whilst protecting against further distress. The process allows people to access subordinate stories of values, unacknowledged ways in which they have responded to hardship and the possibility of linking lives and reducing isolation.

This workshop will provide participants with skills to nurture people in separating from the effects of trauma on their identities and to foster stories of survival and hope. Insider knowledge will be shared around how people have resisted the effects of abuse and stood against injustice.  Participants will have the opportunity to interactively learn skills that facilitate shared understanding, peer support and identifying significant people, who can stand alongside individuals in moving in prefered directions in their lives.

Learning Objectives

On completion of the workshop participants will:

1. Have been introduced to narrative concepts in the context of trauma including "the river bank position" and "double listening" for acts of resistance.

2. Be able to understand the impact of trauma on personal and communal identities and re?ect on themes from practice.

3. Be able to identify and gain familiarity in a narrative informed conversation and gain skills in asking questions which help people separate from the effects of trauma and creates safe and ?rm footing to speak about what they have continued to give value to.
4. Be introduced to ways to stand with clients against injustice through examples of collaborative narrative documents.

5. Apply knowledge of skills to nurture people in separating from the effects of trauma on their identities and to foster stories of survival and hope.

6. Identify and understand Insider knowledge shared around how people have resisted the effects of abuse and stood against injustice.

7. Develop an understanding of Narrative Therapy and the applications of Michael White's maps of practice invite people to reclaim a sense of personal agency.


- APS CCOUNP and Narrative IG Members $240

- APS CCOUNP and Narrative IG Student Members $140

- APS Members $310

- APS Student Members: $180

- Non APS Members $400

About the Presenter

Rina Taub is a member of the APS College of Counselling Psychologists and is registered Couples and family therapist who has been practicing for 22 years. Rina has been specialising in Narrative therapy for many years and convenes the APS Narrative Therapy and Practice in Psychology Interest Group. She has a background in community and private settings and established her private practice, In-Sight Narrative Therapy, in June 2008 where she is the Director. Rina has extensive experience providing supervision and training to interns and fully registered Psychologists, social workers, and allied health professionals and has presented at national and international conferences.

For further information, and/or to register:


Register now! Registrations will close 22 Feb 2018 COB.

Questions about the workshop can be directed to Genevieve Rix, genevieve.rix.psychology at gmail.com<mailto:genevieve.rix.psychology at gmail.com>, while registration related queries should be directed the APS events team (events at psychology.org.au<mailto:events at psychology.org.au>).

We look forward to seeing you there!

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