[Commpsych] 2020 International Community Psychology Conference?

David Fryer drdavidfryer at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Aug 5 13:42:17 AWST 2018

 Dear Neville and all,
I think it would be excellent if Aotearoa and Australia could collaborate in mounting the 8th ICPC conference in 2020 in either country. I would be happy to contribute some time and effort if a TransTasman co-ordinating group were set up.
    On Sunday, 5 August 2018, 13:23:21 GMT+10, Neville Robertson <scorpio at waikato.ac.nz> wrote:  
Any interest out there in bidding for the 2020 conference?



Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: Irma Serrano García
Sent: Sunday, 5 August 2018 7:55 AM
To: scorpio at waikato.ac.nz
Subject: Greetings and request for proposal




I hope you are all well. I am writing to you  because the organizers of the VII International Community Psychology Conference to be held in Chile in October have asked me to collaborate in contacting people that could be interested in hosting the 2020 conference. Attached is their call for proposals. 


As you can see time is limited but we would really like you to consider this possibility. As you know we try to move the conference around so it will truly be international but where we end up depends on the proposals we receive and the interest of varied groups in undertaking this adventure. Maybe together with other colleagues in New Zealand this is a project you would entertain. 


If you have questions regarding this invitation please contact me or my colleagues in Chile.


Let me know if you think this is something you can take on. 



Irma Serrano García

Catedrática Jubilada UPR

Pasada Presidenta APPR 2012


"The first wealth is health...."— Ralph Waldo Emerson

La semilla de un mejor Puerto Rico está ahí, fulgurante y preciosa, esperando que recojamos y quememos la basura que la cubre y empecemos a regarla con el potente abono de nuestras voluntades para construir el país digno y próspero al que sabemos que podemos llegar [los/as] que no hemos perdido la fe ... Benjamín Torres Gotay

The seed for a better Puerto Rico is there, shining and beautiful, waiting for us to collect and burn the trash that covers it and to start fertilising it with our wills to build a dignified and prosperous country which those of us who have not lost our faith, know we can achieve...Benjamín Torres Gotay

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