[Commpsych] FW: "Selling Sickness: People before Profits" conference, February, 2013, Washington, DC

Lauren Breen Lauren.Breen at curtin.edu.au
Wed Jun 20 09:39:00 WST 2012

A conference that may be of interest.


From: Leonore Tiefer [ltiefer at mindspring.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 19 June 2012 10:04 PM
To: ISCHP list
Subject: "Selling Sickness: People before Profits" conference, February, 2013, Washington, DC

Dear friends in ISCHP,
I am co-organizing a conference that I know many of you will be
interested in:

Selling Sickness, 2013: People Before Profits
Washington, D.C. Hyatt Capitol Hill
February 20-23, 2013

The goal of this conference is to increase collaboration and dialog
among consumer health advocates, academic and clinical reformers, and
health journalists to examine and challenge the global tide of disease
mongering. Previous disease-mongering congresses (Australia, 2006,
Amsterdam, 2010) were hugely important but there was no inclusion of
consumer nonprofit activist group, there was no special emphasis on
the women's health movement, and there was no discussion of critical
health as a movement. All these will be included in SS2013.

I am attaching the SAVE THE DATE notice, and the CALL FOR PAPERS will
be out next week. I hope many of you will submit workshops, papers and

Meanwhile, I have three requests:

1) Please contact me with suggestions for additional conference co-
sponsors. http://sellingsickness.com/supporters/ We are organizing
this conference on a shoestring, without any institutional support. We
want co-sponsors from all the groups (academic, consumer, journalist)
involved. We are asking for a minimal ($500) contribution from each
group, but we need to have a lot of them to make this conference
happen. We are also accepting gifts from individuals who will be
listed as Friends.

2) Please suggest program topics and sensational speakers. We have
been working on this for months, of course, but all ideas are welcome.

3) If you would like to help with the conference, please let me know.
We have a steering committee and core group, of course, but there's
always more to do. We need more people to coordinate press, help with
volunteers, and help with publicity, for example.

Please contact me back-channel for all this, and thanks in advance for
all help.

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Leonore Tiefer, PhD
ltiefer at mindspring.com

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